Astrology Forecast 🌟Dec 15 - 22

Dec 21 | Getting clear with your vision forward

Sun in Capricorn (4:20 AM EST)

Capricorn energy always has a way of bringing everything to light, whether you want to ro not. However, sometimes, it can be a little brash. The key is listening to the discomfort and seeing what shifts when you get honest with yourself.

It’s not fun to work with our limitations, boundaries, and expectations. Especially when they’re out of balance. It’s a time to get serious about working toward your goals. Since your vision forward is so clear right now, take advantage of it. Take the thoughts and ideas swirling around and get them onto paper or make a vision board. The how doesn’t matter, just make sure you’re making a plan. Even if it doesn’t feel perfect, getting it into the physical realm is better than not, just go with it.

Make sure you’re not too obsessed with pushing forward. Try separating yourself from your ideals and notice if theres a shift, sometimes some space does us good. Focusing on the now and what’s within reach will help you not burn out or lose stream before you’re able to start chipping away at your goals.

And if you feel like the themes of goal setting, forward drive, and creating visions are heavy in this week’s download — you’re not wrong! It’s loud and clear, Capricorn wants you to move that stagnant energy. Just make sure you’re doing so in a balanced way and you’re not neglecting your energetic boundaries. Your inner world feels a bit sensitive right now, so make sure you’re not overcompensating and pushing through when what you actually need to do is rest.

💡 Instead of worrying about doing things “the right way” or the way you think is “most ideal” get curious about exploring the journey. In exploring new paths, you’re strengthing your creative muscles. It feels tough to step outside of what you know, but giving yourself the chance to do so unapologetically can change the game completely.


Astrology Forecast 🌟 Dec 22 - 29


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