Astrology Forecast 🌟 Jan 5 - 12

Jan 6 | Redifining energetic needs & emotional capacity

Mars retrograde in Cancer

Energetically, this might be a tough transit to move through, as I’ve mentioned before. Especially now that Mars is officially in Cancer again. You’ll notice familiar patterns start to pop up, and it’s time that you’ve worked with them once and for all. Just make sure that your heart, mind, and body are as connected as they can be. Mars in Cancer can be tough to work with since the physical and mental are so unaligned. Leaning into something like journaling or meditation will help take some of the burden out of this transit. There’s a lot more hiding in your subconscious than you think, and it’s asking for a way to be seen.

In the coming weeks, it’ll be obvious that your energy is being expended somewhere that’s draining more than it is fulfilling. If you don’t listen to the subtle (or not-so-subtle) signs, you’ll find yourself burning out. If something isn’t working out, this isn’t the time to keep tirelessly pushing. Adjust accordingly and move on. This isn’t the time to cling to ideals either. Change is oftentimes uncomfortable, especially during a Mars retrograde (and even more so while it’s in Cancer!) Everything isn’t black and white, and right now you just need to roll with the gray.

Don’t let the possibility of something ending rob you of a solid start. If you feel the relentless urge to try something new, go with it. Fear of change, death, and being let down will be loud and clear during this transit. But, it’ll be highlighted how important it is to move through these sticky emotions with grace, understanding, and believing that you deserve goodness.

💡 Make sure you’re not keeping yourself in situations, relationships, or jobs that are unfulfilling or simply not working out. Don’t get stuck! The more you ignore the sign to move on or to change things up, the more uncomfortable this transit will be. You’re being given a moment to examine what’s working and the opportunity to pivot and change things up. It just so happens that this transit will be more of a mud & lotus moment than you expected. Try to take the more difficult moments with a grain of salt, and focus more on tangible change than emotional outcome.

Jan 8 | Trusting your ability to communicate effectively

Mercury Capricorn ingress

While Mercury joins the Sun in Capricorn, you’ll notice the slightest energetic shift at the beginning of this transit, or even a few days before it exacts! Planning is probably at the front of your mind, no doubt. The tricky part is going to be deconstructing your idea that everything needs to be perfect before you even begin to execute anything. Procrastination will feel like a personal attack on yourself, and might even lead you to abandon your new ideas altogether. Pay attention to what helps you live a more aligned and sustainable life.

Things can feel a little tense, or like there’s a new sense of pressure around Mercurial topics like your work. But, the good part of this transit is you have an opportunity to harness this newfound pressure constructively. Be precise and direct about new ideas, and don’t dive headfirst into anything flippant. Right now there’s more of an energetic focus on planning than anything else. Creating outlines and blueprints is the name of the game right now. Have a strong focus on what you want, and how you’ll get it.

Be cautious of who you’re sharing new ideas with. You’ll feel a little protective, or maybe even a bit vulnerable of these thoughts swirling around your brain. Telling the wrong person has the ability to bring shame into the picture — but sharing with the right person can give breath to this energetic fire you’re feeling. Pay attention to who lifts you up, and who gets a little jealous.

💡 Above all else, right now is the perfect time to bring ideas into the physical. You’re able to communicate effectively and create a solid plan to make things happen. Just make sure that you’re taking a look at the whole picture and you’re not being near-sighted or looking for instant gratification. Mercury in Capricorn wants there to be a solid plan so it can follow the rules and get the desired outcome at the end!


Astrology Forecast 🌟 Dec 29 - Jan 5